Why we have to read manual book

Manual book is very important for all end user, it containts many important "have to know and understand" information for end user. also it delivers information how to maintenance, do light troubleshooting, after sales services and service centers. Because for me and also you all its very important, so we had to build the good habit to keep manual books in safe and right place.

Why we have to read manual book ?
To have an easy access and well managed manual book library, i had choose to use plastic book drawer. This drawer contains many manual books, from my sewing machine, voltage stabilizer, voltage inverter from 12 volt to 220 volt, my karaoke mixer, and all my manual book for the electronics and everything i had bought.

 From what i had experienced day to day, some people dont care where the manual book they put, they dont exactly had the dedicated drawer or bookcase to keep all those manual book, it is so unfortunate, because many second stuff will be sold in higher price if sold with complete manual book. Second stuff will be higher value if sold completely, it is common sense the buyer will believe that the previos owner of the sold second stuff is a perso good at managing asset, it can be seen clearly from the availability of complete packet on the sold second stuff. So if you want to sell later your stuff maybe you want to sell an electronics or gadget, dont ever forget to complete with manual book, box, and also accessories. Get the higher offer price if you be well managed your assets.

Complete and thorough manual book reading will give you advantage like know every part, know the way to operate tools correctly and safely. Also you can be a place to ask for other users that havenot read the manual book. If you running a business, e.g. otocare or car care, of course you will had many electrical tools. You need to have understand all the operating procedure and safety regulation. Not only you have to know, but you also have to make your staff had the same perception, they also had to understand the manual book content before they operate the tools.

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