What should be prepared before run

What should be prepared before run? Running the simplest workout you can do, is that so simple as you just run? On this blog I would like to share my routine before run. Running seems to be a very simple workout, where you can run anytime, just run anytime you had time. And actually it is really a very simple and the most simple exercise for me. Besides its simplicity, also you can have run as the cheapest sport but can be a very effective one. With the high intensity of movement, energy and calory burning, running can be the fastest way to reduce the fat level on your body. Behind all of its simplicity, is is really simple? I mean how it can be an effective sport to gain many advantages for you runner. Let get read the whole of my posting.

Make a running calendar. I can do run twice a week, usually I had made running plan on Saturday or Sunday then on Wednesday or Thursday. It may vary in between Saturday or Sunday; this is because sometimes I was so busy on Saturday, then in the next Sunday I can have time to do run training. Twice a week is enough for me, with 5K each run. I need 1 hour to finish a total exercise, from warming up and stretching, running, then cooling down. Altough we had made running schedule, but for you who working at office, It may not so easy to make a running schedule on afternoon. Since many workers had to work sometimes until night. How to cope with that? yes may be you can join night run or running in the start of the day? it all really depend on you and you are the only person who can make it.

Monitoring some important parameters before running is important. I had never pushed into a run when I was not OK to run. Before run, I always check my hear rate, not exceeding too much from my resting rate. My resting rate based on routine check is at 55 - 65 BPM. My resting rate after a night deep sleep is about 50-60 BPM. Whenever I want to run, and I find my Heartbeat is above 80BPM I can cancel my run, maybe I am to tired to run, orI am lack of sleep. I need to stabilize my body to be fit. Knowring health and body conditions for runners before run is very important. Never push your body to have run whenever you are too tired, lack of deep sleep, in bad hydration, etc.

We are what we are, we are the best person to know what our body, so never ignore the body signs. If you feel tired too tired after some long working hours maybe take a rest is better than running. But in the next time if you are full energy after hours of deep sleeping, then running will be best for your body.

Running can make me better in calorie intake, I can manage to eat more when i need more energy, then when i had to work on my room i need less energy, so i reduce the calori intake. Why we had to manage calory intake from food we eat, this is just because managing calorie intake is easier than burning it by running. As you know running 1 KM may eat 70-90Kcal of your energy. But it is easily to eat hundreds of calorie in just 5 minutes.

During run, i also monitor my heart rate using runtastic application on android. This is Runtastic HR, to monitor my heart rate. It is so simple to use, you only have to place you finger covering the lens of your gadget (with LED light). Then let the lens and led work to scan your skin. The software will analyze the red level of your skin to count your heart beat. This measurement in BPM or Beat per minutes.

To track my mileage, position, speed, pace, average pace, etc, i used Endomondo apps. Its free if you want to download from Google Play. Before using it, you have to make some setting, mainly its personal data like height, weight, age, sex, then the apps will create your figure. This is important to give you the best measurement.

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